Registration is open for Transmitting Science course “Introduction to Network Analysis and Modelling”.

Dates and schedule: Online live sessions on September 17th, 19th, 24th, and 26th, 2024; 14:00 to 18:00 (Madrid time zone).

Networks are pervasive in various fields, from biology and ecology to sociology, computer science, and beyond. This course is designed for researchers and students from diverse disciplines interested in understanding and analysing complex systems using network theory.


• Introduction to networks: Understand the basics of what networks are and their representation.

• Random Graphs and Null Models: Explore fundamental concepts in random graphs and null models to comprehend the structure of real-world networks.

• Community Structure and Mixing Patterns: Investigate how networks exhibit interaction structure and analyze mixing patterns within them.

• Ranking in Networks: Examine algorithms for ranking nodes within networks to identify their significance.

• Introduction to Dynamics on Networks and Dynamics of Networks: An overview of how dynamical processes work on networks and models of network growth.

More information and registration: or writing to [email protected].

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