In the time of the visual communication this time might be of interest to you: “Visual Skills for Communicating your Science”. Dates and schedule: September 4th, 11th, and 18th, 2024; from 15:00 to 19:00 (Madrid time zone).

AABA members have a 20 % discount on the fee!

Course Overview: Visuals have a key role in scientific communication. Visuals can make scientific knowledge accessible, attractive, and clear for the audience. This course will provide you with the necessary skills to create effective visual materials to communicate science, a toolkit to improve your designs at the service of scientific dissemination and outreach. This course is designed to enhance the attendees’ ability to use the power of images for scicomm. We will address basic graphic design principles applied to the communication of scientific concepts, we will explore a variety of visual formats with practical examples on how to design social media posts, posters, slides, and figures that stand out. You will walk through design resources and tools that will be a game-changer for your future work! Learning outcomes: • Illustration and Science: Building Bridges • Sketching and Planning • How to make it look better. Tips for scientists: do’s and don’ts • Boosting your presentations, figures, and posts. • Visually Communicate your work to different audiences • Get new visual/design skills

More information and registration at the course page:


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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University