The Brasov Bioarchaeology Project have teamed up with the Institute for Field Research (IFR) to train students in the osteological analysis of medieval Transylvanian assemblages and the archaeological excavation of areas of the fortified Saxon church in the village of Sânpetru (Brasov County, Transylvania, Romania). We are now accepting applications for the 2024 Sânpetru Bioarchaeology Field School, which will take place from July 7 to August 3.

This accredited four-week field school is suitable for students with an interest in field archaeology, bioarchaeology and related disciplines (forensic anthropology, human osteology, medieval archaeology), and will provide participants with both theoretical and hands-on experience in: - Archaeological excavation - Recording methods - Post-excavation processing of human skeletal remains - Human and animal bone identification/human skeletal and dental anatomy - Analytical methods and identification of pathological lesions and bone anomalies

Please check our website ( and the IFR website ( \) for info on cost and how to apply.


Field school's sexual harassment policy as submitted

The Sânpetru Bioarchaeology Field school team, the IFR and supporting institutions are committed to creating, maintaining, and protecting a safe and accessible work and study environment free of any form of discrimination, victimisation, bullying and harassment. We are an educational community declaring zero tolerance for and condemning behaviours causing physical or psychological distress and the disruption of learning and social activities. As stated by the 1991 European Commission Recommendation on the protection of the dignity of women and men at work: ‘Unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women and men at work, including the conduct of superiors and colleagues, is unacceptable’. Project staff and participants are expected to respect the rights of others, regardless of economic status, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, language group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or ability. Sexual harassment (verbal, non-verbal and physical) includes but is not limited to: 1) Inappropriate comments, derogatory remarks and inquiries about a person’s private life, physical aspect or sexual orientation 2) Sexual advances, both of a verbal and/or physical nature 3) Sexually explicit statements and insults 4) Any behaviour that might be considered sexually aggressive Such behaviours and other disrespectful actions as described in the present policy and condemned by the Recast Directive 2006/54/EC repealed Directive 2002/73/EC under European Law will not be tolerated and, once witnessed, observed and/or denounced by members of the staff or the participants, will be dealt with immediately and will result in a quick and appropriate response, which might culminate in the immediate expulsion of the perpetrator.

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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University