Hello! I’m very excited to announce that Bioarchaeology in Croatia has been approved for Summer 2021. Descriptions for the programs are listed below. Please feel free to pass along information on the programs as well as my contact information to your students and colleagues. There is the obvious caveat that we are still in some amount of limbo given the state of the world and Covid-19. If the university should decide to cancel the programs, all application fees will be refunded to those who apply. Non-MSU students are encouraged to apply for the programs, there is just an additional step of applying for transient student status. Annie Carr over in the Study Abroad office can help walk students through that process. Her email and info about how to get transient student status are at the end of this email. When I ran this back in 2019, about half of the students were from universities other than MSU, and it was a great chance for students from across the country to meet and get to know each other!

Bioarchaeology in Croatia I: This program will focus on the study of the human skeleton and the cultural contexts from which they come. We will focus on osteology, learning the names of all the bones of the body as well as the features of the body. Additionally, we will focus on the cultural construction of the body through artificial modification, traumatic lesions, and paleopathology. Modern techniques such as isotopic and DNA analysis will be discussed and a special imaging workshop will be conducted at the University Hospital where we will get first-hand exposure to imaging such as X-ray and CT. All of this will take place while living in the beautiful city of Zagreb, just a half block from the main square with weekends exploring Neanderthal sites and experiencing the vibrant city of Zagreb. This links to the class AN 4990/6990 for 6 credit hours. Link to application: https://msstate.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=62930

Bioarchaeology in Croatia II: This program provides four weeks of excavation experience within the site of Durdevac-Sosice, a medieval church and cemetery. Burial excavation will be conducted under the supervision of the program supervisor and Croatian site supervisor. Students will work with Croatian archaeologists to learn proper excavation methodology and technique. We will excavate, map and pull burials for laboratory analysis. Students also will work with Croatian archaeologists in aspects of computer aided mapping and photogrammetry. The course associated with this is AN 3510 for 6 credits. Link to application: https://msstate.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=62931

Combined program: Bioarchaeology I&II: The program begins with intensive osteology for a month in Zagreb, focusing on the cultural construction of the body through artificial modification, traumatic lesions and paleopathology. Modern techniques such as isotopic and DNA analysis will be discussed and a special imaging workshop will be conducted at the University Hospital where we will get first-hand exposure to imaging such as X-ray and CT. After a month in Zagreb, we will transition to Koprivnica for a month of excavation in an early Medieval cemetery and church complex. Students will work with faculty and Croatian archaeologists learn proper excavation methodology and technique. We will excavate, map, and pull burials for laboratory analysis. Weekend excursions will include visiting local collections and other excavations. Link to application: https://msstate.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=62932

Information about transient student status: website: https://www.international.msstate.edu/offices/study-abroad/non-msu-applicants Annie Carr can also help walk you through the process, her email address is Carr, Annie [email protected].

I'm very happy to set up webex meetings with interested students to discuss the programs. Just email me and we'll decide on a time!

Field school's sexual harassment policy as submitted

Mississippi State is committed to ensuring an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex or gender. This means we take all forms of sexual violence and other misconduct very seriously, and place particular emphasis on responding effectively and fairly to the nationwide problem of sexual assault. The university takes proactive steps to raise awareness of issues surrounding sexual assault, including consent, alcohol consumption, and bystander intervention. This is done partly through the online SAVE and SHARP training programs, which are mandatory for all new students and employees, and available via myState to all members of the university community. Additionally, our office works in tandem with others to provide face-to-face training to groups throughout the university. If you believe your group would benefit from a direct training session, give us a call. Please take a few minutes and review our Frequently Asked Questions page. The FAQ will explain your options for reporting sexual misconduct or seeking confidential assistance. It also explains our policies for investigating and adjudicating sexual misconduct matters. If you have questions or concern, my door is always open. [email protected] or 662-325-8124.

Copyright © 2025 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University