Australian Research Council (ARC) funded series introducing early career researchers (ECRs) and PhD students to an analytical technique they haven’t tried yet! Are you an ECR biological anthropologist who typically works with human skeletal samples in forensic and/or archaeological contexts? Like most of us around the world, you are probably currently working from home and have no lab access. Would you like to learn the basics of a new bone analytical technique online?

If you are keen to find out what type of data bone histological analysis can offer, and are willing to give 20-30 minutes of your attention to an online demonstration whilst sipping your morning coffee (or whatever else you are doing in another time zone!), these sessions are for you. Sessions are short and concise, devoted to one aspect of cortical bone microstructure each week. You can join all sessions, or selected session(s) only. You will need access to a laptop/ PC with internet connection so that you can join each session via Zoom. You will be asked to download an open access software so that you can practise using it as part of the session. Otherwise, just log on to the sessions and simply observe. Basic understanding of bone micro-anatomy is advantageous, but those with no experience will have no problem participating. The sessions are free and open to all globally.

Please register your attendance with Dr Justyna Miszkiewicz (email can be found via the event link) who will provide further details and instructions.

SESSION 1 Wednesday 20 May 8 – 8.30 am AEST: introduction to software and differentiating between young and adult cortical bone matrix
SESSION 2 Wednesday 27 May 8 – 8.30 am AEST: estimating secondary osteon densities
SESSION 3 Wednesday 3 June 8 – 8.30 am AEST: measuring Haversian canals and tracing secondary osteon cement lines
SESSION 4 Wednesday 10 June 8 – 8.30 am AEST: examining osteocyte lacunae and canaliculi
SESSION 5 Wednesday 17 June 8 – 8.30 am AEST: understanding different patterns of collagen fibre orientation


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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University