Giecz 2017 field school poster

The Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz, Poland is accepting applications for the summer 2017 field season. Site Gz10 is an inhumation cemetery dating to the beginning of the 11th century AD (early Medieval). Excavations to-date have revealed 50+ well-preserved burials, including males, females, and children. Field school participants will gain unique experience excavating human burials and receive training in archaeological field and lab methods as well as human osteology and bioarchaeology.

Please visit our website at for more details and contact us at [email protected]with questions. Credit for Anthropology 5685 (Field School in Archaeology) can be obtained through The Ohio State University- please contact course director, Dr. Amanda Agnew directly with these inquiries ([email protected]).


Field school's sexual harassment policy as submitted

Members of The Ohio State University community have the right to be free from all forms of sexual misconduct which impede the realization of the university’s mission of distinction in education, scholarship, and service. All members of the university community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct violates the dignity of individuals and will not be tolerated. The university community seeks to eliminate sexual misconduct through education and by encouraging everyone to report concerns or complaints. The university is committed to stopping sexual misconduct, preventing its recurrence, eliminating any hostile environment, and remedying its discriminatory effects.

Copyright © 2024 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University