This is the a quick-reference guide to help you remember key dates and deadlines as we prepare for our 2021 annual meeting.

April 6, 2021:

  • Drop-in "office hours" for session chairs & presenters to gain familiarity with the zoom webinar environment. See program or the Pathable site for times.

April 7, 2021:

  • 12-2 pm (eastern) Plenary session: Include is a Verb: Act to Make Inclusion a Reality by Sherry Marts
  • 2-4 pm (eastern) Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • 4-6pm (eastern) Opening Teception and Lifetime Achievement Awards Ceremony

April 8, 2021:

  • 10am-12pm (eastern) HBA-AAPA Joint Symposium: Human responses to climate change
  • 12-2pm (eastern) Invited Symposium: Building intersections of Covid-19 scholarship, health inequalities, and systems of care in pregnancy and the postpartum
  • 2-4pm (eastern) AAAG-AAPA Joint Symposium: Thinking beyond the lab? Anthropological geneticists' response to the Covivd-19 pandemic and the summer of civil unrest
  • 4-6pm (eastern) HBA-AAPA Joint Symposium: 20 years of the human genome


August 17, 2020:

October 15, 2020:

December 21, 2020:

  • Registrations for the Throwback Program are due (invitations were sent out to all 2020 lead authors who did not submit an abstract for 2021; last invitation sent out on 12/14/202 from [email protected])

February 1, 2021:

February 15, 2021:

February 24, 2021:

March 1, 2021:

March 8, 2021:

  • Webinar: Insider's Guide to AAPA's 2021 Virtual Conference
  • Video link: coming

March 11, 2021

March 12-19, 2021:

  • Upload your presentation to the Pathable website (if you have an accepted abstract, you will receive an email invitation from Pathable)

April 5, 2021:

  • Pathable invitations for meeting attendees are sent out
  • The meeting begins! Scientific presentations are accessible to all registrants to peruse
  • Code of Conduct training session for all Session Chairs, H-Care members, and members of the Executive Committee

Copyright © 2024 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University