Mentoring for teaching-focused careers. Day/Time: Saturday, March 30, 2:30PM-4:30PM; Description: Assistance for job-seeking AAPA members interested in strengthening their applications for teaching-focused jobs. Organizers: Laurie Kauffman, Oklahoma City University ([email protected]), Miranda Karban, Illinois College, ([email protected]). Pre-registration Required.
Description: Increasing numbers of anthropologists are embracing jobs at teaching-focused colleges and universities both inside and outside of anthropology departments. As, by definition, PhD programs exist at research-focused universities, graduate students may have a difficult time finding mentors to help them prepare application materials geared towards teaching-focused institutions.
In this workshop, registrants will be paired with AAPA members currently employed at community colleges, liberal arts colleges, and teaching-focused universities. Before the meeting, registrants will supply drafts of their cover letter and teaching philosophy to their mentor. During this workshop, mentors and mentees will meet in person to review these application materials and discuss the teaching-focused job market.
The goal of this workshop is to assist job-seeking AAPA members in strengthening their applications for teaching-focused jobs, and to provide support and networking opportunities for members interested in pursuing teaching-focused careers. This workshop is organized by the Anthropologists outside of Anthropology Departments, Contingent and Teaching Focused faculty subgroup of the Committee on Diversity.
Audience: Advanced graduate students looking towards the job market, anthropology PhDs interested in a teaching-focused career
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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University