AABA's webinar programming serves a range functions, as a way to communicate about Association business and planning, to promote discourse on important issues that shape our community's best-practices, to provide a source of professional support, and to provide over-views of exciting topics within the science of biological anthropology.
Most recently, we have hosted two series, highlight below. Be sure to check out our other webinar content on the Past Webinars page.
Or, better yet, go peruse the offerings that extend beyond these webinars on our YouTube channel!
The goal of this webinar is to introduce attendees to the concept of Open Science, particularly Open Access, Open Methods, and the FAIR and CARE principles of data sharing. Panelists will discuss the challenges and benefits they have experienced when employing Open Science practices in their research, and provide recommendations on how attendees can apply these practices in their own work, and what aspects should be considered. Further, with this webinar we hope to create more awareness of Open Science in biological anthropology and create a space where Open Science practitioners, both those who are experienced and those eager to learn more, can find each other and share experiences. We also want to explore what more can be done by AABA and the biological anthropology community to encourage more open research in biological anthropology through a Q&A with attendees.
Webinar panelists:
Date/time: April 10, 2024, 3:00 pm EDT
If you have questions, comments, or a suggestion for a future webinar topic, please get in touch with AABA Program Committee Associate Chair Kevin Hatala at [email protected].
Copyright © 2025 American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University