Submitted: 14 October 2021
Department: Biology
Institution: California State University Northridge
Job type: Postdoc
Apply by: 30 December 2021
Application email: [email protected]
Application URL:

Description: Under general supervision, the Postdoctoral Scholar will perform research activities associated with the project “Characterizing Human-Pathogen Interactions and Natural Selection with Ancient DNA,” funded by an R35 NIH grant (R35GM142939). The incumbent will perform computational and statistical analyses with genomic data, write reports and manuscripts for publication, attend professional meetings, and mentor students in the Amorim Lab.

Qualifications: - Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Computer Sciences, Statistics, Mathematics, or a closely related discipline at the time of appointment. - Must be proficient in at least one programming language (e.g., Python, C++, Perl, etc.) - Must be familiar with genomic data analysis and/or population genetics. - Experience with ancient DNA (aDNA) is desirable but not required.

The university offers an excellent benefits package, including but not limited to medical, dental, vision, retirement & savings, tuition waiver, and more. Salary range: NIH scale (starting at $4,583/month). Funding is guaranteed for 5 years on a yearly contract renewed upon satisfactory performance.

Applications received through October 26, 2021, will be considered in the initial review, and the review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Start date: flexible. As soon as possible.

Application package consists of a cover letter that briefly summarizes your qualifications and interest in the position, a CV, and contact information of 2 references. The hiring unit will request confidential letters from the references of those applicants who are under serious consideration.

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