Job Description
McMaster University - advancing human and societal health and well-being
McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations and, within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.
Tenure-Track/Tenured, Assistant Professors/Associate Professors/Professors
McMaster University is pleased to announce a cohort hiring initiative of up to twelve appointments of emerging and established academics and scholars who will contribute to the advancement of Black academic excellence across all six McMaster Faculties. McMaster seeks candidates whose scholarship and scholarly work forefronts or contributes to any of the following disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas of teaching and research:
DeGroote School of Business: All areas of business with preference given to AI, Business Analytics, Socially responsible investing; Social entrepreneurship; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion issues in business
Faculty of Engineering: All areas of engineering, with an emphasis on the Faculty’s research clusters: advanced manufacturing, digital and smart systems, energy, environment, health and bio-innovation, infrastructure, micro-nano systems and transportation. For more information about the opportunities available within the Faculty of Engineering, please visit
Faculty of Health Sciences: Areas of priority include computational genomics, bioinformatics and immunometabolism; and clinical and/or population and/or public health research with a focus on understanding determinants of health impacting access to health care, including screening, prevention and education, for marginalized populations in Canada and globally. We are also looking for an outstanding clinician who would focus on medical education and help lead the Department of Medicine’s efforts to increase equity and diversity. The latter is not a tenure-track position and is posted separately as posting #35401.
Faculty of Humanities: African Diaspora and/or Caribbean Literary and Cultural Studies; African and Black Art; Post-Colonial Studies; Critical Race and/or Black Feminist Studies; Law as it relates to race and racism; Linguistics: Syntax with an additional focus in morphology, semantics, and/or sociolinguistics.
Faculty of Science: All areas of Science, but with preference for Epidemiology of Racism (e.g., biological expression of racism, embodiment of racial inequality, racial inequities as social determinants of health); Racial inequality within the environment (environmental racism), and social and physical geography of racism.
Faculty of Social Science: Migration and Mobility; Racial Inequality within social institutions (e.g., health care, education, criminal justice system) and its implications on determinants of health and prosperity (e.g., physical and mental health, educational, labour market outcomes) and to various stratified social stations (e.g., care work); Local and Global Development Economics, trade, and globalization; race and its impact in health, labour, education; Critical Race Studies; Post Colonial Studies.
McMaster’s purpose is articulated as a dedication to advancing human and societal health and well-being locally and globally, by promoting inclusive mindsets, collaborative learning, innovative thinking, and seeking global impact. This cohort hiring initiative is in keeping with McMaster’s vision to achieve international distinction for creativity, innovation, and excellence, and to embody values of integrity, quality, inclusiveness and teamwork. It is also aligned with ongoing transformative work being undertaken to ensure inclusive excellence in the recruitment and retention of faculty that have been underrepresented across all academic disciplines, which is articulated in McMaster’s EDI Strategy: Towards Inclusive Excellence and reinforced in the President’s recent letter to t he community.
At McMaster, we collaborate across disciplines to solve some of the world’s toughest challenges, working together to improve people’s lives and contribute to our global knowledge base. The University is committed to maintaining its reputation for global impact and advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). McMaster invites scholars who will contribute to McMaster’s broad strategic research priority areas, as articulated in the Brighter World Strategic Research Plan, and who will support our purpose through creative, collaborative and community-engaged scholarly activity.
Successful applicants must demonstrate a record or evidence of strong potential for excellence in teaching, research and service and a willingness and ability to: (1) contribute actively to undergraduate and graduate programs; (2) supervise masters and doctoral students; (3) establish research collaborations across Departments within Faculties or across Faculties; and (4) contribute to the University’s inclusive excellence goals and priorities. Consideration will be given to promising applicants who hold a Ph.D., or are very near completion of a doctorate degree by the time of the appointment.
Depending on areas of research focus, successful candidates may have opportunities to contribute to the Global Peace and Social Justice Program (renamed Peace Studies Program) and the expansion of the African & African Diaspora Studies Minor. Successful candidates may also have opportunities to collaborate with the University Library to enhance significant archival holdings from the Canadian Caribbean diaspora, particularly those of Louise Simone Bennett- Coverley (Miss Lou) and Austin Clarke, as well as collections of both rare and contemporary books (e.g., Dr. Anthony Macfarlane collection).
Commitment to Inclusive Excellence
The diversity of our workforce is at the core of McMaster’s innovation and creativity and strengthens our research, teaching and service excellence. It is essential to engaging our diverse student body and intellectual community. In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration and diversity, and welcomes applicants who share our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusive excellence.
For these positions, McMaster seeks qualified individuals who self-identify as persons of Black/African descent and lived experience. Successful candidates will be joining a vibrant and networked campus community of Black scholars, supported by the longstanding African and Caribbean Faculty Association of McMaster (ACFAM) and local African and Caribbean associations within the Hamilton region.
How to Apply:
Application materials must be submitted through the University’s electronic portal: (Job Opening #35333). Application materials must include:
• a letter of application together with a curriculum vitae, research statement, statement of teaching interests and philosophy (including evidence of teaching effectiveness); • a brief statement describing any contributions made or planned in relation to advancing equity, diversity and inclusive excellence in teaching, research or service within higher education, community-based or other profession settings, including lived experiences and understandings of Black/African Diasporic peoples and cultures (2-page maximum). Applicants are asked to indicate the Faculties in which they would like to be considered for a position.
Please note that letters of recommendation or references are not required at the time of application – these will be solicited at later stages of the search process. Unsolicited letters will not be reviewed until later stages of the search process.
All applicants are also asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey, which takes approximately two minutes to complete. All questions are voluntary, with an option to decline to answer. All information collected is confidential and will be used to support efforts to broaden the diversity of the applicant pool and to promote a fair, equitable and inclusive talent acquisition process.
The Diversity Survey is accessible through the university application portal. Inquiries about the Diversity Survey may be directed to [email protected].
Job applicants requiring accommodation to participate in the hiring process should contact the Employment Equity Specialist at [email protected] to communicate accommodation needs.
All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority for the position. To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University gathers information about applicants’ status as either a permanent resident of Canada or Canadian citizen. Applicants need not identify country of origin or current citizenship; however, all applications must include one of the following statements:
• Yes, I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada • No, I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada
McMaster University acknowledges that certain circumstances may cause career interruptions that legitimately affect an applicant’s record of research achievement. We encourage applicants to note in their applications whether they would like consideration given to the impact of any such circumstances due to health, family, or other legitimate reasons in order to allow for a fair assessment of their research productivity.
McMaster is committed to supporting candidates within a dual career household. Inquiries about spousal/partner employment may be directed to the Office of the Provost & Vice President Academic at [email protected].
Review of applications will begin on January 4, 2021 and continue until the positions are filled. Direct queries about the position to the Office of the Provost & Vice President Academic at [email protected].
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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University